Guest Book

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  Name : Tony Wilson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Web site
Comments : Hi my is Tony Wilson I use to show a male british way back in the dog was named Rivershore Clinton.His father as Yacamundy Morgan He won twice at the Sydney RAS He got to the grand final and he has name on the trophy's at the RAS NSW After reading about selection of a pup it seems very complicated,we never had DNA tests we just studied their family blood line. I've never seem so many different colours. They all look fantastic
Date : 13-Nov-20

  Name : Gary Watson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Looked yah's up on my phone
Comments : Thinking about showing again and getting into this wonderful beed . Cheers
Date : 10-Jun-20

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Contact Details


Mrs Ann Small


 [email protected]


Carla Smith


[email protected]